Extbase Variable Dump
MzDigital\MzdBlog\Domain\Model\Postprototypepersistent entity (uid=340, pid=171)
   topPost => protectedFALSE
   postType => protected0 (integer)
   videoLength => protected'' (0 chars)
   audioLength => protected'' (0 chars)
   postReadingtime => protected'' (0 chars)
   postSource => protected'' (0 chars)
   layout => protected0 (integer)
   showImage => protected0 (integer)
   hidden => protectedFALSE
   doktype => protected137 (integer)
   title => protected'Von der Wissenschaft in die Praxis' (34 chars)
   subtitle => protected'' (0 chars)
   abstract => protected'Dr. Eva-Carolina Doll gibt im Gespräch einen Einblick in ihre Arbeit und di
      e Ziele der aim, insbesondere im Bereich der frühkindlichen Bildung.
' (145 chars) description => protected'Die aim unterstützt Einrichtungen im Bereich der frühkindlichen Bildung be
      i der Weiterentwicklung und nachhaltigen Sicherung ihrer pädagogischen Qual
' (159 chars) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-09-30T10:40:30+02:00, 1664527230) categories => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000000eed2c80000000047e8a98f => T3G\AgencyPack\Blog\Domain\Model\Categoryprototypepersistent entity (uid=18, pid=171) recordType => protected100 (integer) title => protected'Team' (4 chars) slug => protected'team' (4 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) parent => protectedNULL content => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) posts => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (4 items) 0000000000eecf170000000047e8a98f => MzDigital\MzdBlog\Domain\Model\Postprototypepersistent entity (uid=318, pid=171) topPost => protectedFALSE postType => protected0 (integer) videoLength => protected'' (0 chars) audioLength => protected'' (0 chars) postReadingtime => protected'' (0 chars) postSource => protected'' (0 chars) layout => protected0 (integer) showImage => protected0 (integer) hidden => protectedFALSE doktype => protected137 (integer) title => protected'An der Schnittstelle von Theorie und Praxis' (43 chars) subtitle => protected'Drei Fragen an aim-Mitarbeiter Torsten Bol' (42 chars) abstract => protected'Drei Fragen an aim-Mitarbeiter Torsten Bol, Senior Referent im Bereich der a
                  im-Förderprogramme. #Teaim
' (103 chars) description => protected'Lernt das Team der aim kennen! Unsere Mitarbeitenden berichten aus ihrem Arb
                  eitsalltag bei der aim.
' (100 chars) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-08-03T10:24:17+02:00, 1659515057) categories => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000000eed2c80000000047e8a98f => T3G\AgencyPack\Blog\Domain\Model\Categoryprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=18, pid=171) commentsActive => protectedTRUE comments => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) tags => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) media => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) featuredImage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=1956, pid=318) uidLocal => protected1490 (integer) originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected1956 (integer) _localizedUid => protected1956 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1956 (integer)modified pid => protected318 (integer) archiveDate => protected0 (integer) publishDate => protected1660206240 (integer) crdateMonth => protected8 (integer) crdateYear => protected2022 (integer) authors => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) uid => protected318 (integer) _localizedUid => protected318 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected318 (integer)modified pid => protected171 (integer)
0000000000eecf460000000047e8a98f => MzDigital\MzdBlog\Domain\Model\Postprototypepersistent entity (uid=331, pid=171) topPost => protectedFALSE postType => protected0 (integer) videoLength => protected'' (0 chars) audioLength => protected'' (0 chars) postReadingtime => protected'' (0 chars) postSource => protected'' (0 chars) layout => protected0 (integer) showImage => protected0 (integer) hidden => protectedFALSE doktype => protected137 (integer) title => protected'Mehr als nur eine Ausbildung' (28 chars) subtitle => protected'Drei Fragen an aim-Auszubildende Jael Frank, Nathalie Weber und Lukas Zeier' (75 chars) abstract => protected'Drei Fragen an Jael Frank, Nathalie Weber und Lukas Zeier, Auszubildende zum
                   Kaufmann/zur Kauffrau für Büromanagement #Teaim
' (126 chars) description => protected'Jael Frank, Nathalie Weber und Lukas Zeier sprechen im Interview über ihre
                  Ausbildung zum Kaufmann/zur Kauffrau für Büromanagement bei der aim.
' (146 chars) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-09-09T12:16:22+02:00, 1662718582) categories => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000000eed2c80000000047e8a98f => T3G\AgencyPack\Blog\Domain\Model\Categoryprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=18, pid=171) commentsActive => protectedTRUE comments => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) tags => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000000eecdd20000000047e8a98f => T3G\AgencyPack\Blog\Domain\Model\Tagprototypepersistent entity (uid=28, pid=171) title => protected'Tag 1' (5 chars) slug => protected'tag-1' (5 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) content => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobjectmax depth (empty) uid => protected28 (integer) _localizedUid => protected28 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected28 (integer)modified pid => protected171 (integer) media => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) featuredImage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=2172, pid=331) uidLocal => protected1600 (integer) originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected2172 (integer) _localizedUid => protected2172 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected2172 (integer)modified pid => protected331 (integer) archiveDate => protected0 (integer) publishDate => protected1664273760 (integer) crdateMonth => protected9 (integer) crdateYear => protected2022 (integer) authors => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000000eecda80000000047e8a98f => MzDigital\MzdBlog\Domain\Model\Authorprototypepersistent entity (uid=15, pid=171) gender => protected1 (integer) avatarProvider => protected'T3G\AgencyPack\Blog\AvatarProvider\ImageProvider' (48 chars) avatar => protectedNULL name => protected'Max Mustermann' (14 chars) slug => protected'max-mustermann' (14 chars) title => protected'Prof.' (5 chars) image => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=2249, pid=171) website => protected'www.max-mustermann.de' (21 chars) email => protected'' (0 chars) location => protected'TU München' (11 chars) twitter => protected'max-mustermann-twitter' (22 chars) linkedin => protected'max-mustermann-LinkedIn' (23 chars) xing => protected'Max-Xing' (8 chars) instagram => protected'' (0 chars) profile => protected'max-mustermann.de' (17 chars) bio => protected'<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy
                        eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam vol
                        uptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita k
                        asd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem
                         ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod t
                        empor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. A
                        t vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gube
                        rgren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>
' (598 chars) posts => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobjectmax depth (2 items) detailsPage => protected0 (integer) uid => protected15 (integer) _localizedUid => protected15 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected15 (integer)modified pid => protected171 (integer)
uid => protected331 (integer) _localizedUid => protected331 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected331 (integer)modified pid => protected171 (integer)
0000000000eed0e80000000047e8a98f => MzDigital\MzdBlog\Domain\Model\Postprototypepersistent entity (uid=337, pid=171) topPost => protectedFALSE postType => protected0 (integer) videoLength => protected'' (0 chars) audioLength => protected'' (0 chars) postReadingtime => protected'' (0 chars) postSource => protected'' (0 chars) layout => protected0 (integer) showImage => protected0 (integer) hidden => protectedFALSE doktype => protected137 (integer) title => protected'Aus Taiwan in die IT-Abteilung der aim' (38 chars) subtitle => protected'' (0 chars) abstract => protected'Seit 2019 ist Chung-Hsuan Hsu bei der aim und arbeitet als Sachbearbeiterin
                  für IT Administration und Support bei der aim. Sie erzählt, wie sie aus Ta
                  iwan zur aim kam.
' (169 chars) description => protected'IT-Sachbearbeiterin Chung-Hsuan Hsu und ihre Aufgaben bei der aim kennenlern
                  en. Jetzt lesen, wie sie zur aim kam und wie das Arbeiten bei der aim ist.
' (150 chars) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-09-27T14:58:31+02:00, 1664283511) categories => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000000eed2c80000000047e8a98f => T3G\AgencyPack\Blog\Domain\Model\Categoryprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=18, pid=171) commentsActive => protectedTRUE comments => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) tags => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000000eecc360000000047e8a98f => T3G\AgencyPack\Blog\Domain\Model\Tagprototypepersistent entity (uid=27, pid=171) title => protected'Tag-2' (5 chars) slug => protected'tag-2' (5 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) content => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobjectmax depth (empty) uid => protected27 (integer) _localizedUid => protected27 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected27 (integer)modified pid => protected171 (integer) media => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) featuredImage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=2182, pid=337) uidLocal => protected1609 (integer) originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected2182 (integer) _localizedUid => protected2182 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected2182 (integer)modified pid => protected337 (integer) archiveDate => protected0 (integer) publishDate => protected1664542680 (integer) crdateMonth => protected9 (integer) crdateYear => protected2022 (integer) authors => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) uid => protected337 (integer) _localizedUid => protected337 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected337 (integer)modified pid => protected171 (integer)
0000000000eed0ea0000000047e8a98f => MzDigital\MzdBlog\Domain\Model\Postprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=340, pid=171)
uid => protected18 (integer) _localizedUid => protected18 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected18 (integer)modified pid => protected171 (integer)
commentsActive => protectedTRUE comments => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) tags => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) media => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) featuredImage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=2206, pid=340) uidLocal => protected1618 (integer) originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected2206 (integer) _localizedUid => protected2206 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected2206 (integer)modified pid => protected340 (integer) archiveDate => protected0 (integer) publishDate => protected1664872800 (integer) crdateMonth => protected10 (integer) crdateYear => protected2022 (integer) authors => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000000eecda80000000047e8a98f => MzDigital\MzdBlog\Domain\Model\Authorprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=15, pid=171) uid => protected340 (integer) _localizedUid => protected340 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected340 (integer)modified pid => protected171 (integer)
Extbase Variable Dump
MzDigital\MzdBlog\Domain\Model\Postprototypepersistent entity (uid=337, pid=171)
   topPost => protectedFALSE
   postType => protected0 (integer)
   videoLength => protected'' (0 chars)
   audioLength => protected'' (0 chars)
   postReadingtime => protected'' (0 chars)
   postSource => protected'' (0 chars)
   layout => protected0 (integer)
   showImage => protected0 (integer)
   hidden => protectedFALSE
   doktype => protected137 (integer)
   title => protected'Aus Taiwan in die IT-Abteilung der aim' (38 chars)
   subtitle => protected'' (0 chars)
   abstract => protected'Seit 2019 ist Chung-Hsuan Hsu bei der aim und arbeitet als Sachbearbeiterin 
      für IT Administration und Support bei der aim. Sie erzählt, wie sie aus Ta
      iwan zur aim kam.
' (169 chars) description => protected'IT-Sachbearbeiterin Chung-Hsuan Hsu und ihre Aufgaben bei der aim kennenlern
      en. Jetzt lesen, wie sie zur aim kam und wie das Arbeiten bei der aim ist.
' (150 chars) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-09-27T14:58:31+02:00, 1664283511) categories => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000000eed2c80000000047e8a98f => T3G\AgencyPack\Blog\Domain\Model\Categoryprototypepersistent entity (uid=18, pid=171) recordType => protected100 (integer) title => protected'Team' (4 chars) slug => protected'team' (4 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) parent => protectedNULL content => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) posts => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (4 items) 0000000000eecf170000000047e8a98f => MzDigital\MzdBlog\Domain\Model\Postprototypepersistent entity (uid=318, pid=171) topPost => protectedFALSE postType => protected0 (integer) videoLength => protected'' (0 chars) audioLength => protected'' (0 chars) postReadingtime => protected'' (0 chars) postSource => protected'' (0 chars) layout => protected0 (integer) showImage => protected0 (integer) hidden => protectedFALSE doktype => protected137 (integer) title => protected'An der Schnittstelle von Theorie und Praxis' (43 chars) subtitle => protected'Drei Fragen an aim-Mitarbeiter Torsten Bol' (42 chars) abstract => protected'Drei Fragen an aim-Mitarbeiter Torsten Bol, Senior Referent im Bereich der a
                  im-Förderprogramme. #Teaim
' (103 chars) description => protected'Lernt das Team der aim kennen! Unsere Mitarbeitenden berichten aus ihrem Arb
                  eitsalltag bei der aim.
' (100 chars) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-08-03T10:24:17+02:00, 1659515057) categories => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000000eed2c80000000047e8a98f => T3G\AgencyPack\Blog\Domain\Model\Categoryprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=18, pid=171) commentsActive => protectedTRUE comments => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) tags => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) media => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) featuredImage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=1956, pid=318) uidLocal => protected1490 (integer) originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected1956 (integer) _localizedUid => protected1956 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1956 (integer)modified pid => protected318 (integer) archiveDate => protected0 (integer) publishDate => protected1660206240 (integer) crdateMonth => protected8 (integer) crdateYear => protected2022 (integer) authors => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) uid => protected318 (integer) _localizedUid => protected318 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected318 (integer)modified pid => protected171 (integer)
0000000000eecf460000000047e8a98f => MzDigital\MzdBlog\Domain\Model\Postprototypepersistent entity (uid=331, pid=171) topPost => protectedFALSE postType => protected0 (integer) videoLength => protected'' (0 chars) audioLength => protected'' (0 chars) postReadingtime => protected'' (0 chars) postSource => protected'' (0 chars) layout => protected0 (integer) showImage => protected0 (integer) hidden => protectedFALSE doktype => protected137 (integer) title => protected'Mehr als nur eine Ausbildung' (28 chars) subtitle => protected'Drei Fragen an aim-Auszubildende Jael Frank, Nathalie Weber und Lukas Zeier' (75 chars) abstract => protected'Drei Fragen an Jael Frank, Nathalie Weber und Lukas Zeier, Auszubildende zum
                   Kaufmann/zur Kauffrau für Büromanagement #Teaim
' (126 chars) description => protected'Jael Frank, Nathalie Weber und Lukas Zeier sprechen im Interview über ihre
                  Ausbildung zum Kaufmann/zur Kauffrau für Büromanagement bei der aim.
' (146 chars) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-09-09T12:16:22+02:00, 1662718582) categories => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000000eed2c80000000047e8a98f => T3G\AgencyPack\Blog\Domain\Model\Categoryprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=18, pid=171) commentsActive => protectedTRUE comments => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) tags => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000000eecdd20000000047e8a98f => T3G\AgencyPack\Blog\Domain\Model\Tagprototypepersistent entity (uid=28, pid=171) title => protected'Tag 1' (5 chars) slug => protected'tag-1' (5 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) content => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobjectmax depth (empty) uid => protected28 (integer) _localizedUid => protected28 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected28 (integer)modified pid => protected171 (integer) media => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) featuredImage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=2172, pid=331) uidLocal => protected1600 (integer) originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected2172 (integer) _localizedUid => protected2172 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected2172 (integer)modified pid => protected331 (integer) archiveDate => protected0 (integer) publishDate => protected1664273760 (integer) crdateMonth => protected9 (integer) crdateYear => protected2022 (integer) authors => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000000eecda80000000047e8a98f => MzDigital\MzdBlog\Domain\Model\Authorprototypepersistent entity (uid=15, pid=171) gender => protected1 (integer) avatarProvider => protected'T3G\AgencyPack\Blog\AvatarProvider\ImageProvider' (48 chars) avatar => protectedNULL name => protected'Max Mustermann' (14 chars) slug => protected'max-mustermann' (14 chars) title => protected'Prof.' (5 chars) image => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=2249, pid=171) website => protected'www.max-mustermann.de' (21 chars) email => protected'' (0 chars) location => protected'TU München' (11 chars) twitter => protected'max-mustermann-twitter' (22 chars) linkedin => protected'max-mustermann-LinkedIn' (23 chars) xing => protected'Max-Xing' (8 chars) instagram => protected'' (0 chars) profile => protected'max-mustermann.de' (17 chars) bio => protected'<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy
                        eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam vol
                        uptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita k
                        asd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem
                         ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod t
                        empor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. A
                        t vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gube
                        rgren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>
' (598 chars) posts => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobjectmax depth (2 items) detailsPage => protected0 (integer) uid => protected15 (integer) _localizedUid => protected15 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected15 (integer)modified pid => protected171 (integer)
uid => protected331 (integer) _localizedUid => protected331 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected331 (integer)modified pid => protected171 (integer)
0000000000eed0e80000000047e8a98f => MzDigital\MzdBlog\Domain\Model\Postprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=337, pid=171) 0000000000eed0ea0000000047e8a98f => MzDigital\MzdBlog\Domain\Model\Postprototypepersistent entity (uid=340, pid=171) topPost => protectedFALSE postType => protected0 (integer) videoLength => protected'' (0 chars) audioLength => protected'' (0 chars) postReadingtime => protected'' (0 chars) postSource => protected'' (0 chars) layout => protected0 (integer) showImage => protected0 (integer) hidden => protectedFALSE doktype => protected137 (integer) title => protected'Von der Wissenschaft in die Praxis' (34 chars) subtitle => protected'' (0 chars) abstract => protected'Dr. Eva-Carolina Doll gibt im Gespräch einen Einblick in ihre Arbeit und di
                  e Ziele der aim, insbesondere im Bereich der frühkindlichen Bildung.
' (145 chars) description => protected'Die aim unterstützt Einrichtungen im Bereich der frühkindlichen Bildung be
                  i der Weiterentwicklung und nachhaltigen Sicherung ihrer pädagogischen Qual
' (159 chars) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-09-30T10:40:30+02:00, 1664527230) categories => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000000eed2c80000000047e8a98f => T3G\AgencyPack\Blog\Domain\Model\Categoryprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=18, pid=171) commentsActive => protectedTRUE comments => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) tags => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) media => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) featuredImage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypemodified entity (uid=2206, pid=340) uidLocal => protected1618 (integer) originalResource => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobject propertiesOfFileReference => protectedarray(39 items)max depth name => protectedNULL originalFile => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Fileprototypeobjectmax depth mergedProperties => protectedarray(59 items)max depthmodified uid => protected2206 (integer) _localizedUid => protected2206 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected2206 (integer)modified pid => protected340 (integer) archiveDate => protected0 (integer) publishDate => protected1664872800 (integer) crdateMonth => protected10 (integer) crdateYear => protected2022 (integer) authors => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000000eecda80000000047e8a98f => MzDigital\MzdBlog\Domain\Model\Authorprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=15, pid=171) uid => protected340 (integer) _localizedUid => protected340 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected340 (integer)modified pid => protected171 (integer)
uid => protected18 (integer) _localizedUid => protected18 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected18 (integer)modified pid => protected171 (integer)
commentsActive => protectedTRUE comments => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) tags => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000000eecc360000000047e8a98f => T3G\AgencyPack\Blog\Domain\Model\Tagprototypepersistent entity (uid=27, pid=171) title => protected'Tag-2' (5 chars) slug => protected'tag-2' (5 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) content => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) uid => protected27 (integer) _localizedUid => protected27 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected27 (integer)modified pid => protected171 (integer) media => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) featuredImage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=2182, pid=337) uidLocal => protected1609 (integer) originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected2182 (integer) _localizedUid => protected2182 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected2182 (integer)modified pid => protected337 (integer) archiveDate => protected0 (integer) publishDate => protected1664542680 (integer) crdateMonth => protected9 (integer) crdateYear => protected2022 (integer) authors => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) uid => protected337 (integer) _localizedUid => protected337 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected337 (integer)modified pid => protected171 (integer)
Extbase Variable Dump
MzDigital\MzdBlog\Domain\Model\Postprototypepersistent entity (uid=331, pid=171)
   topPost => protectedFALSE
   postType => protected0 (integer)
   videoLength => protected'' (0 chars)
   audioLength => protected'' (0 chars)
   postReadingtime => protected'' (0 chars)
   postSource => protected'' (0 chars)
   layout => protected0 (integer)
   showImage => protected0 (integer)
   hidden => protectedFALSE
   doktype => protected137 (integer)
   title => protected'Mehr als nur eine Ausbildung' (28 chars)
   subtitle => protected'Drei Fragen an aim-Auszubildende Jael Frank, Nathalie Weber und Lukas Zeier' (75 chars)
   abstract => protected'Drei Fragen an Jael Frank, Nathalie Weber und Lukas Zeier, Auszubildende zum
       Kaufmann/zur Kauffrau für Büromanagement #Teaim
' (126 chars) description => protected'Jael Frank, Nathalie Weber und Lukas Zeier sprechen im Interview über ihre
      Ausbildung zum Kaufmann/zur Kauffrau für Büromanagement bei der aim.
' (146 chars) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-09-09T12:16:22+02:00, 1662718582) categories => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000000eed2c80000000047e8a98f => T3G\AgencyPack\Blog\Domain\Model\Categoryprototypepersistent entity (uid=18, pid=171) recordType => protected100 (integer) title => protected'Team' (4 chars) slug => protected'team' (4 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) parent => protectedNULL content => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) posts => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (4 items) 0000000000eecf170000000047e8a98f => MzDigital\MzdBlog\Domain\Model\Postprototypepersistent entity (uid=318, pid=171) topPost => protectedFALSE postType => protected0 (integer) videoLength => protected'' (0 chars) audioLength => protected'' (0 chars) postReadingtime => protected'' (0 chars) postSource => protected'' (0 chars) layout => protected0 (integer) showImage => protected0 (integer) hidden => protectedFALSE doktype => protected137 (integer) title => protected'An der Schnittstelle von Theorie und Praxis' (43 chars) subtitle => protected'Drei Fragen an aim-Mitarbeiter Torsten Bol' (42 chars) abstract => protected'Drei Fragen an aim-Mitarbeiter Torsten Bol, Senior Referent im Bereich der a
                  im-Förderprogramme. #Teaim
' (103 chars) description => protected'Lernt das Team der aim kennen! Unsere Mitarbeitenden berichten aus ihrem Arb
                  eitsalltag bei der aim.
' (100 chars) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-08-03T10:24:17+02:00, 1659515057) categories => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000000eed2c80000000047e8a98f => T3G\AgencyPack\Blog\Domain\Model\Categoryprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=18, pid=171) commentsActive => protectedTRUE comments => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) tags => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) media => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) featuredImage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=1956, pid=318) uidLocal => protected1490 (integer) originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected1956 (integer) _localizedUid => protected1956 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1956 (integer)modified pid => protected318 (integer) archiveDate => protected0 (integer) publishDate => protected1660206240 (integer) crdateMonth => protected8 (integer) crdateYear => protected2022 (integer) authors => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) uid => protected318 (integer) _localizedUid => protected318 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected318 (integer)modified pid => protected171 (integer)
0000000000eecf460000000047e8a98f => MzDigital\MzdBlog\Domain\Model\Postprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=331, pid=171) 0000000000eed0e80000000047e8a98f => MzDigital\MzdBlog\Domain\Model\Postprototypepersistent entity (uid=337, pid=171) topPost => protectedFALSE postType => protected0 (integer) videoLength => protected'' (0 chars) audioLength => protected'' (0 chars) postReadingtime => protected'' (0 chars) postSource => protected'' (0 chars) layout => protected0 (integer) showImage => protected0 (integer) hidden => protectedFALSE doktype => protected137 (integer) title => protected'Aus Taiwan in die IT-Abteilung der aim' (38 chars) subtitle => protected'' (0 chars) abstract => protected'Seit 2019 ist Chung-Hsuan Hsu bei der aim und arbeitet als Sachbearbeiterin
                  für IT Administration und Support bei der aim. Sie erzählt, wie sie aus Ta
                  iwan zur aim kam.
' (169 chars) description => protected'IT-Sachbearbeiterin Chung-Hsuan Hsu und ihre Aufgaben bei der aim kennenlern
                  en. Jetzt lesen, wie sie zur aim kam und wie das Arbeiten bei der aim ist.
' (150 chars) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-09-27T14:58:31+02:00, 1664283511) categories => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000000eed2c80000000047e8a98f => T3G\AgencyPack\Blog\Domain\Model\Categoryprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=18, pid=171) commentsActive => protectedTRUE comments => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) tags => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000000eecc360000000047e8a98f => T3G\AgencyPack\Blog\Domain\Model\Tagprototypepersistent entity (uid=27, pid=171) title => protected'Tag-2' (5 chars) slug => protected'tag-2' (5 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) content => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobjectmax depth (empty) uid => protected27 (integer) _localizedUid => protected27 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected27 (integer)modified pid => protected171 (integer) media => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) featuredImage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypemodified entity (uid=2182, pid=337) uidLocal => protected1609 (integer) originalResource => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobject propertiesOfFileReference => protectedarray(39 items)max depth name => protectedNULL originalFile => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Fileprototypeobjectmax depth mergedProperties => protectedarray(59 items)max depthmodified uid => protected2182 (integer) _localizedUid => protected2182 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected2182 (integer)modified pid => protected337 (integer) archiveDate => protected0 (integer) publishDate => protected1664542680 (integer) crdateMonth => protected9 (integer) crdateYear => protected2022 (integer) authors => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) uid => protected337 (integer) _localizedUid => protected337 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected337 (integer)modified pid => protected171 (integer)
0000000000eed0ea0000000047e8a98f => MzDigital\MzdBlog\Domain\Model\Postprototypepersistent entity (uid=340, pid=171) topPost => protectedFALSE postType => protected0 (integer) videoLength => protected'' (0 chars) audioLength => protected'' (0 chars) postReadingtime => protected'' (0 chars) postSource => protected'' (0 chars) layout => protected0 (integer) showImage => protected0 (integer) hidden => protectedFALSE doktype => protected137 (integer) title => protected'Von der Wissenschaft in die Praxis' (34 chars) subtitle => protected'' (0 chars) abstract => protected'Dr. Eva-Carolina Doll gibt im Gespräch einen Einblick in ihre Arbeit und di
                  e Ziele der aim, insbesondere im Bereich der frühkindlichen Bildung.
' (145 chars) description => protected'Die aim unterstützt Einrichtungen im Bereich der frühkindlichen Bildung be
                  i der Weiterentwicklung und nachhaltigen Sicherung ihrer pädagogischen Qual
' (159 chars) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-09-30T10:40:30+02:00, 1664527230) categories => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000000eed2c80000000047e8a98f => T3G\AgencyPack\Blog\Domain\Model\Categoryprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=18, pid=171) commentsActive => protectedTRUE comments => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) tags => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) media => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) featuredImage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypemodified entity (uid=2206, pid=340) uidLocal => protected1618 (integer) originalResource => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobject propertiesOfFileReference => protectedarray(39 items)max depth name => protectedNULL originalFile => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Fileprototypeobjectmax depth mergedProperties => protectedarray(59 items)max depthmodified uid => protected2206 (integer) _localizedUid => protected2206 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected2206 (integer)modified pid => protected340 (integer) archiveDate => protected0 (integer) publishDate => protected1664872800 (integer) crdateMonth => protected10 (integer) crdateYear => protected2022 (integer) authors => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000000eecda80000000047e8a98f => MzDigital\MzdBlog\Domain\Model\Authorprototypepersistent entity (uid=15, pid=171) gender => protected1 (integer) avatarProvider => protected'T3G\AgencyPack\Blog\AvatarProvider\ImageProvider' (48 chars) avatar => protectedNULL name => protected'Max Mustermann' (14 chars) slug => protected'max-mustermann' (14 chars) title => protected'Prof.' (5 chars) image => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=2249, pid=171) website => protected'www.max-mustermann.de' (21 chars) email => protected'' (0 chars) location => protected'TU München' (11 chars) twitter => protected'max-mustermann-twitter' (22 chars) linkedin => protected'max-mustermann-LinkedIn' (23 chars) xing => protected'Max-Xing' (8 chars) instagram => protected'' (0 chars) profile => protected'max-mustermann.de' (17 chars) bio => protected'<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy
                        eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam vol
                        uptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita k
                        asd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem
                         ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod t
                        empor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. A
                        t vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gube
                        rgren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>
' (598 chars) posts => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobjectmax depth (2 items) detailsPage => protected0 (integer) uid => protected15 (integer) _localizedUid => protected15 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected15 (integer)modified pid => protected171 (integer)
uid => protected340 (integer) _localizedUid => protected340 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected340 (integer)modified pid => protected171 (integer)
uid => protected18 (integer) _localizedUid => protected18 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected18 (integer)modified pid => protected171 (integer)
commentsActive => protectedTRUE comments => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) tags => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000000eecdd20000000047e8a98f => T3G\AgencyPack\Blog\Domain\Model\Tagprototypepersistent entity (uid=28, pid=171) title => protected'Tag 1' (5 chars) slug => protected'tag-1' (5 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) content => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) uid => protected28 (integer) _localizedUid => protected28 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected28 (integer)modified pid => protected171 (integer) media => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) featuredImage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=2172, pid=331) uidLocal => protected1600 (integer) originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected2172 (integer) _localizedUid => protected2172 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected2172 (integer)modified pid => protected331 (integer) archiveDate => protected0 (integer) publishDate => protected1664273760 (integer) crdateMonth => protected9 (integer) crdateYear => protected2022 (integer) authors => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000000eecda80000000047e8a98f => MzDigital\MzdBlog\Domain\Model\Authorprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=15, pid=171) uid => protected331 (integer) _localizedUid => protected331 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected331 (integer)modified pid => protected171 (integer)
Extbase Variable Dump
MzDigital\MzdBlog\Domain\Model\Postprototypepersistent entity (uid=318, pid=171)
   topPost => protectedFALSE
   postType => protected0 (integer)
   videoLength => protected'' (0 chars)
   audioLength => protected'' (0 chars)
   postReadingtime => protected'' (0 chars)
   postSource => protected'' (0 chars)
   layout => protected0 (integer)
   showImage => protected0 (integer)
   hidden => protectedFALSE
   doktype => protected137 (integer)
   title => protected'An der Schnittstelle von Theorie und Praxis' (43 chars)
   subtitle => protected'Drei Fragen an aim-Mitarbeiter Torsten Bol' (42 chars)
   abstract => protected'Drei Fragen an aim-Mitarbeiter Torsten Bol, Senior Referent im Bereich der a
      im-Förderprogramme. #Teaim
' (103 chars) description => protected'Lernt das Team der aim kennen! Unsere Mitarbeitenden berichten aus ihrem Arb
      eitsalltag bei der aim.
' (100 chars) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-08-03T10:24:17+02:00, 1659515057) categories => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000000eed2c80000000047e8a98f => T3G\AgencyPack\Blog\Domain\Model\Categoryprototypepersistent entity (uid=18, pid=171) recordType => protected100 (integer) title => protected'Team' (4 chars) slug => protected'team' (4 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) parent => protectedNULL content => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) posts => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (4 items) 0000000000eecf170000000047e8a98f => MzDigital\MzdBlog\Domain\Model\Postprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=318, pid=171) 0000000000eecf460000000047e8a98f => MzDigital\MzdBlog\Domain\Model\Postprototypepersistent entity (uid=331, pid=171) topPost => protectedFALSE postType => protected0 (integer) videoLength => protected'' (0 chars) audioLength => protected'' (0 chars) postReadingtime => protected'' (0 chars) postSource => protected'' (0 chars) layout => protected0 (integer) showImage => protected0 (integer) hidden => protectedFALSE doktype => protected137 (integer) title => protected'Mehr als nur eine Ausbildung' (28 chars) subtitle => protected'Drei Fragen an aim-Auszubildende Jael Frank, Nathalie Weber und Lukas Zeier' (75 chars) abstract => protected'Drei Fragen an Jael Frank, Nathalie Weber und Lukas Zeier, Auszubildende zum
                   Kaufmann/zur Kauffrau für Büromanagement #Teaim
' (126 chars) description => protected'Jael Frank, Nathalie Weber und Lukas Zeier sprechen im Interview über ihre
                  Ausbildung zum Kaufmann/zur Kauffrau für Büromanagement bei der aim.
' (146 chars) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-09-09T12:16:22+02:00, 1662718582) categories => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000000eed2c80000000047e8a98f => T3G\AgencyPack\Blog\Domain\Model\Categoryprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=18, pid=171) commentsActive => protectedTRUE comments => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) tags => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000000eecdd20000000047e8a98f => T3G\AgencyPack\Blog\Domain\Model\Tagprototypepersistent entity (uid=28, pid=171) title => protected'Tag 1' (5 chars) slug => protected'tag-1' (5 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) content => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobjectmax depth (empty) uid => protected28 (integer) _localizedUid => protected28 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected28 (integer)modified pid => protected171 (integer) media => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) featuredImage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypemodified entity (uid=2172, pid=331) uidLocal => protected1600 (integer) originalResource => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobject propertiesOfFileReference => protectedarray(39 items)max depth name => protectedNULL originalFile => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Fileprototypeobjectmax depth mergedProperties => protectedarray(59 items)max depthmodified uid => protected2172 (integer) _localizedUid => protected2172 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected2172 (integer)modified pid => protected331 (integer) archiveDate => protected0 (integer) publishDate => protected1664273760 (integer) crdateMonth => protected9 (integer) crdateYear => protected2022 (integer) authors => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000000eecda80000000047e8a98f => MzDigital\MzdBlog\Domain\Model\Authorprototypepersistent entity (uid=15, pid=171) gender => protected1 (integer) avatarProvider => protected'T3G\AgencyPack\Blog\AvatarProvider\ImageProvider' (48 chars) avatar => protectedNULL name => protected'Max Mustermann' (14 chars) slug => protected'max-mustermann' (14 chars) title => protected'Prof.' (5 chars) image => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entitymax depth (uid=2249, pid=171) website => protected'www.max-mustermann.de' (21 chars) email => protected'' (0 chars) location => protected'TU München' (11 chars) twitter => protected'max-mustermann-twitter' (22 chars) linkedin => protected'max-mustermann-LinkedIn' (23 chars) xing => protected'Max-Xing' (8 chars) instagram => protected'' (0 chars) profile => protected'max-mustermann.de' (17 chars) bio => protected'<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy
                        eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam vol
                        uptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita k
                        asd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem
                         ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod t
                        empor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. A
                        t vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gube
                        rgren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>
' (598 chars) posts => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobjectmax depth (2 items) detailsPage => protected0 (integer) uid => protected15 (integer) _localizedUid => protected15 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected15 (integer)modified pid => protected171 (integer)
uid => protected331 (integer) _localizedUid => protected331 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected331 (integer)modified pid => protected171 (integer)
0000000000eed0e80000000047e8a98f => MzDigital\MzdBlog\Domain\Model\Postprototypepersistent entity (uid=337, pid=171) topPost => protectedFALSE postType => protected0 (integer) videoLength => protected'' (0 chars) audioLength => protected'' (0 chars) postReadingtime => protected'' (0 chars) postSource => protected'' (0 chars) layout => protected0 (integer) showImage => protected0 (integer) hidden => protectedFALSE doktype => protected137 (integer) title => protected'Aus Taiwan in die IT-Abteilung der aim' (38 chars) subtitle => protected'' (0 chars) abstract => protected'Seit 2019 ist Chung-Hsuan Hsu bei der aim und arbeitet als Sachbearbeiterin
                  für IT Administration und Support bei der aim. Sie erzählt, wie sie aus Ta
                  iwan zur aim kam.
' (169 chars) description => protected'IT-Sachbearbeiterin Chung-Hsuan Hsu und ihre Aufgaben bei der aim kennenlern
                  en. Jetzt lesen, wie sie zur aim kam und wie das Arbeiten bei der aim ist.
' (150 chars) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-09-27T14:58:31+02:00, 1664283511) categories => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000000eed2c80000000047e8a98f => T3G\AgencyPack\Blog\Domain\Model\Categoryprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=18, pid=171) commentsActive => protectedTRUE comments => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) tags => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000000eecc360000000047e8a98f => T3G\AgencyPack\Blog\Domain\Model\Tagprototypepersistent entity (uid=27, pid=171) title => protected'Tag-2' (5 chars) slug => protected'tag-2' (5 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) content => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobjectmax depth (empty) uid => protected27 (integer) _localizedUid => protected27 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected27 (integer)modified pid => protected171 (integer) media => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) featuredImage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypemodified entity (uid=2182, pid=337) uidLocal => protected1609 (integer) originalResource => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobject propertiesOfFileReference => protectedarray(39 items)max depth name => protectedNULL originalFile => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Fileprototypeobjectmax depth mergedProperties => protectedarray(59 items)max depthmodified uid => protected2182 (integer) _localizedUid => protected2182 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected2182 (integer)modified pid => protected337 (integer) archiveDate => protected0 (integer) publishDate => protected1664542680 (integer) crdateMonth => protected9 (integer) crdateYear => protected2022 (integer) authors => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) uid => protected337 (integer) _localizedUid => protected337 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected337 (integer)modified pid => protected171 (integer)
0000000000eed0ea0000000047e8a98f => MzDigital\MzdBlog\Domain\Model\Postprototypepersistent entity (uid=340, pid=171) topPost => protectedFALSE postType => protected0 (integer) videoLength => protected'' (0 chars) audioLength => protected'' (0 chars) postReadingtime => protected'' (0 chars) postSource => protected'' (0 chars) layout => protected0 (integer) showImage => protected0 (integer) hidden => protectedFALSE doktype => protected137 (integer) title => protected'Von der Wissenschaft in die Praxis' (34 chars) subtitle => protected'' (0 chars) abstract => protected'Dr. Eva-Carolina Doll gibt im Gespräch einen Einblick in ihre Arbeit und di
                  e Ziele der aim, insbesondere im Bereich der frühkindlichen Bildung.
' (145 chars) description => protected'Die aim unterstützt Einrichtungen im Bereich der frühkindlichen Bildung be
                  i der Weiterentwicklung und nachhaltigen Sicherung ihrer pädagogischen Qual
' (159 chars) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-09-30T10:40:30+02:00, 1664527230) categories => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000000eed2c80000000047e8a98f => T3G\AgencyPack\Blog\Domain\Model\Categoryprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=18, pid=171) commentsActive => protectedTRUE comments => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) tags => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) media => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) featuredImage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypemodified entity (uid=2206, pid=340) uidLocal => protected1618 (integer) originalResource => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobject propertiesOfFileReference => protectedarray(39 items)max depth name => protectedNULL originalFile => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Fileprototypeobjectmax depth mergedProperties => protectedarray(59 items)max depthmodified uid => protected2206 (integer) _localizedUid => protected2206 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected2206 (integer)modified pid => protected340 (integer) archiveDate => protected0 (integer) publishDate => protected1664872800 (integer) crdateMonth => protected10 (integer) crdateYear => protected2022 (integer) authors => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000000eecda80000000047e8a98f => MzDigital\MzdBlog\Domain\Model\Authorprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=15, pid=171) uid => protected340 (integer) _localizedUid => protected340 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected340 (integer)modified pid => protected171 (integer)
uid => protected18 (integer) _localizedUid => protected18 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected18 (integer)modified pid => protected171 (integer)
commentsActive => protectedTRUE comments => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) tags => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) media => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) featuredImage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=1956, pid=318) uidLocal => protected1490 (integer) originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected1956 (integer) _localizedUid => protected1956 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1956 (integer)modified pid => protected318 (integer) archiveDate => protected0 (integer) publishDate => protected1660206240 (integer) crdateMonth => protected8 (integer) crdateYear => protected2022 (integer) authors => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) uid => protected318 (integer) _localizedUid => protected318 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected318 (integer)modified pid => protected171 (integer)
Team - aim-akademie